You’re never too old for braces! The case for straight teeth


At Gateway Oaks Family Dentistry, some of our patients wonder if getting braces is right for them. Some people are deterred from straightening their teeth because of their age or the cost. Straight teeth are a long lasting investment that have more benefits than just a pretty smile, at any age. And with new technology, straightening your teeth can be fast and affordable. It is never too late to get the straight and healthy teeth you have always wanted.

Prevents Gum Disease
When teeth are aligned correctly, they are easier to clean around and in between. While teeth that are too spaced apart can get food debris and bacteria stuck in them, causing cavities and infected gums. This can also happen when teeth are also too close together or crowded. I guess you can say that there is a sweet space that teeth need to be aligned in for optimum cleaning potential. Being able to thoroughly clean teeth in important for preventing gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

Aligned teeth don’t chip-
Have you ever chipped a tooth from another tooth? OUCH! Having crowded teeth can cause stress on teeth which increases the chance of damage being caused to the structure of a tooth.

Straight teeth improve speech-
The lips, the teeth, and the tip of the tongue work with the palette to form sounds. It may not be obvious, but the tongue does use the teeth in speech, and if teeth are too far forward to too far back, this can have an effect on the forming of words.

Helps the digestive system-
Straight teeth are perfect for grinding and chewing food. Not being able to properly chew food can set your digestive system into overdrive, making your stomach and intestines have to work harder to break down the food you eat. The long term effects of bad digestion can be painful. Including problems such as indigestion, stomach ulcers and more. So, straight teeth equals a happy stomach.

Be confident in your smile-
Why do straight teeth look better and whiter? Because light reflects off of straight teeth evenly, this helps them appear white and healthy. While crooked teeth can appear dark and dull due to poor reflection of light.

Having confidence in a smile can equal up to confidence in oneself. And others catch on to the high self esteem and cool confidence a healthy, straight smile can bring. Let your smile be a reflection of you.Image

Want to find out how to straighten your smile? Visit for more information  or Schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Truong and find out how to get straight teeth in a short amount of time at an affordable price.